Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
On 8/10/06, mwoehlke wrote:
Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> Yes, it's sort-of my fault. I just have a Perl script that chunks the
> newlib files into faux man pages.

Ah, ok, makes sense. Too bad newlib doesn't have proper manpages, in
that case. Although am I understanding that newlib itself doesn't have
*any* manpages, meaning a: I need to be fixing their INFO, and b: any
manpages should be sent this way after all?

Well, I'd be for fixing the newlib files rather than replacing them. The issue with replacing them with our own custom versions or with Linux ones
is that the documentation no longer comes from the actual upstream libc
(or worse-- in the case of Linux it comes from a possibly incompatible
*different* upstream libc).

...which is why we're not replacing it with the Linux one. :-) I took the Linux one and *edited* it until it seemed to match the actual observed-and-tested behavior of Cygwin's newlib. Along the way I discovered that newlib is not C99-conformant (see earlier posts).

Anyway, if it turns out I have to patch an info file, then I guess I'm stuck doing that. Assuming anyone on newlib pays attention to me. So far, zilch.

If you'd like to add better *roff formatting to the perl script, it's
in the cygwin-doc src package. A warning, though, it's a mess.

Heh, maybe I'll take a crack, but that's something a lot more complicated... there is really not a good LaTeX->roff convertor out there? (Or maybe newlib has just-as-poorly-formatted LaTeX... ;-))

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