(this is just one of many annoyances in the cygwin installer, but it's
a really stupid one that i just ran into)
when two packages depend on eachother, it's impossible to uninstall them
(exmaple: Util/bzip2 and Libs/libbz2)
both packages are set to "Keep"
when you click "Keep", it changes to "Reinstall", and on another click
to "Uninstall"
but whenever a package is set to "Reinstall", it's dependancies are re-added
if there's a one-way dependancy, once could remove the depending
package first... but if it's two-way, it's impossible
(whenever the second package is clicked once and set to "Reinstall",
the first is re-selected, even if it's immediately clicked again to
set it to "Uninstall")

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