On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 09:54:21 -0400, Kenneth Nellis wrote:
> FWIW, I see the same behavior, but not just Cygwin, but also on
> a Red Hat Linux installation, so I guess it's more of a bash/ssh
> issue than one with Cygwin.

There are 2 issues here, One is ssh's, the other is with sh/bash.
None is Cygwin specific, i.e. it is OFFTOPIC.

On Friday, August 04, 2006 10:01 AM, BC wrote:
BC> If file hostlist contains:
BC> hosta
BC> hostb
BC> hostc
BC> then execute this shell script:
BC> while read host
BC> do
BC>     ssh $host ls -al .profile
BC> done < hostlist
BC> the while loop executes one time and quits.

The problem is that `ssh' read stdin. To overcome this change it to:
        ssh $host ls -al .profile < /dev/null

A second possible problem is that ssh may exit with error, the
solution is to add  set +e  (in separate line) before the ssh line.


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