At 04:16 PM 8/14/2006, Christopher Faylor wrote:

>I'm not 100% clear on what you're saying but if cmake distributed with
>Cygwin is producing makefiles with MS-DOS SYNTAX then, actually it
>should either be fixed to not do that or it should be pulled from the
>distribution.  I wasn't aware of this limitation.

The cmake distributed with cygwin produces cygwin makefiles and only
cygwin makefiles.  It is unaffected by the change in make from 3.80 to 
3.81.   There is no such limitation, please don't remove cmake from cygwin.
Since that cmake links to the cygwin runtime it know about /cydrive/c and
uses it.

The change affects the microsoft build of cmake.  That build is available
on a separate download from  It has 
an option to generate "Unix Makefiles".  In the past,
you could use this mode to create Makefiles that would drive Microsoft's 
cl with a cygwin make.   This no longer works.   I am trying to figure
out if there is change I can make to the windows build of cmake, that
will cause it to generate makefiles that will work with both make 3.80, and
3.81 from cygwin.


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