Kai Schlichting wrote:
> Markus Schönhaber schrieb:
> > Once again: ssh must be able to create /home/_Kai_/.ssh on the machine
> > where you issue the ssh command, i. e. the Cygwin machine. Creating those
> > files on the machine you want to connect to, won't help.
> That means i must have on my Windows machine /home/_Kai_/.ssh?

It means that the home directory that is configured (in Cygwin) for your user 
account should exist. ssh will create the ".ssh" directory there - if it is 
able to do so.

> How do i  do that?

mkdir /home/_Kai_
for example?

Or you could change the entry for user _Kai_ in /etc/passwd so that the home 
directory points to something that already exists.


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