William A. Hoffman wrote on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:14 PM:


> So, there seem to be three options on the table:
> - pay redhat to put the patch back
> - maintain your own version of make, that is separate from cygwin.
> - have the patch made part of the upstream gnu make

The forth option is to provide a proper make file. Again: any difference 
between *nix and Windows can be hidden by appropriate macros in make. Note, 
that it is not make that's broken.


> I am sure you can see that it would be better for people that depend
> on this feature if it were part of cygwin.

Cygwin emulates Posix with Posix paths. For this purpose it works OOTB quite 
really often for a lot of *nix packages. Therefore if you start to depend on 
Windows-based tools within Cygwin make, then you have to convert the paths 
yourself. Cygwin helps you with the cygpath utility, so where's the deal? I 
know it is unfortunate for you that the previous support for DOS-based paths 
has gone without a preceding announcement, but if you like to keep your 
instructions regarding installation of make, deliver an appropriate make file.

- Jörg

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