On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 10:14:20AM -0400, William A. Hoffman wrote:
>At 05:27 AM 8/16/2006, Dave Korn wrote:
>>1)  Use setup.exe to install the source package to 3.80-1.
>>2)  Compile and install it with a --prefix setting that places it earlier in
>>your $PATH (e.g. /usr/local instead of /usr).
>>3)  (Optional) Use setup.exe to uninstall the cygwin make package altogether.
>>  Trivial.  Elementary.  Easy.  Simple.  Take you ten minutes.  Twenty if you
>>aren't used to compiling source packages and have to try it a couple of times.
>Sure, that will work for now.  But when 3.82 comes out 3.80-1 will go away
>and become hard to get.

So what?  You have the sources and you have installed your own version of make
in a separate area.

Also, all of your complaining seems to have to do with what to instruct
people who download some software from a web site.  Well, gee, if they
are downloading from a web site, point them at your own version of make

>Also, it is not just for me.  It is for users of my open source
>software.  The instructions used to be, install cygwin, get the make
>program, and build.  Now it is install cygwin, make sure you get 3.80-1
>version of make.  And when that goes away the instructions will be get
>make and patch it yourself.
>So, there seem to be three options on the table:
>- pay redhat to put the patch back

You are confused.  Red Hat does not have anything to do with the cygwin
net release version of make.

>- maintain your own version of make, that is separate from cygwin.

Or, use MinGW's make.  Or use one of the scripts that has been posted.  Or,
use one of the make functions that has been posted.

>- have the patch made part of the upstream gnu make
>The point I am trying to make is that the one option that is off the table,
>is taking over the maintenance of the make package in cygwin and doing
>the patch yourself.

And, here is more repetition.  Is there something about make which
prompts people to say the same thing over and over again?


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