On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 04:40:59PM -0300, Paulo Castro wrote:
>I would like to ask that the decision to reject Mr Suzuki Hisao's patch
>to include UTF-8 file name support in Cygwin was reconsidered.  I've
>read the discussion between Mr Suzuki Hisao and Mr Christopher Faylor
>(cygwin-patches mail list, thread "UTF-8 Cygwin", 26 Jun - 06 Jul
>2006), and Christopher's arguments didn't convince me: as it appears,
>it was mostly an issue with function wrappers not being a solution as
>clean and elegant as the ideal.  The alternative would be a major
>redesign in Cygwin that would require considerable additional efforts
>which no one seems to be willing to undertake at this time.

Sorry but we don't accept flawed patches just because they add desired
functionality.  I don't think the cygwin project is alone in adopting
this type of rule.


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