Tom Rodman wrote:
Yes I see the local group "S-1-2-0", but when I ssh'd in, I typed the
password in for this session and so I expect "whoami /all" to return
the username that goes with the password - more importantly I need the
credentials to write to the network shares, that I normally get when
using ssh via password authentication.

Hmm, what'd I miss? What is it that is needed to write to network shares? (And is it a 2k3 thing?) I have MAJOR problems with my network shares; even though they do not need un/pw to access, I always have to unmount and remount them to be able to write (even on Remote Desktop and 'on the glass' logins, so it isn't (just) a Cygwin thing). Since we got on the subject, anyone know why that is?

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