Dave Korn wrote:

> Because I do not agree with your suggestion.

 You don't agree that this is the cygwin list, not the mingw list?

Some people are trying to solve an issue with cygwin's build of make by discussing possible solutions. Those who have nothing to contribute to this effort would do well to just ignore this thread instead of responding to every second posting with remarks like this. We know that you dislike DOS paths (and people who use DOS paths with cygwin too?), so there is no need to repeatly point this out. On the specific point above, it is rather disingenious if MingW make is proposed as a solution to somebody's problem and when it is then explained that this isn't the case the topic becomes inappropriate. It is also not nice, to say the least, to omit crucial detail from quoted text, such as this:

> You mentioned MinGW as an alternative, it does not work. Also,
> someone on this list asked me a question, and I answered it.

If MinGW is off-topic it is off-topic for everybody, not just those on one side of the argument.

Again, my main point: It is ok to ignore a thread you're not interested in.


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