On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 05:04:08PM +0200, CARTER Alan wrote:
>>Hmm...  9 lines of content, 10 of disclaimer...  *sip!* Eew, and the
>>disclaimer isn't even line-wrapped...
>>(How come PCYMTNILOAUD is not on the OLOCA yet?  ;-))
>Ah.  You think I typed that, myself?  I didn't.  It was automatically
>appended by the local email system.  Many corporate email systems do
>this kind of thing, because (IMHO) the people that run them are more
>concerned with posturing within their own value system (which does not
>map to reality) than they are with doing anything useful.

Whether you typed it yourself or not, those type of disclaimers are
actually not allowed in mail to mailing lists at this site:


The same thing holds true for gcc.gnu.org.

cygwin.com == sourceware.org == gcc.gnu.org

Please find some other way of sending email which does not try to
enforce some kind of faux-legal obligations on the reader.


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