On 19 September 2006 23:05, Angelo Graziosi wrote:

> What would be 'unusual or incorrect' in
> $ cat hello.F
>       program hello
>       implicit none
>       write(*,*) 'Hello!'
>       end
> (1)
> $ g77 hello.F -o hello -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c
>  undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

  Well, the -L option adds a standard library directory to the wrong point in
the library search path, and the -l option adds a standard library to the
wrong point in the link order.  You're meant to leave CRT stuff to the driver,
which *knows* what to do.  If you wanted to do it yourself, and guarantee to
get it right, you'd have to reimplement the entire specs mechanism in your

> (2)
> $ g77 hello.F -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c -o hello
> $ ./hello
>  Hello!

  I'll do the -v thing myself then, shall I?

$ g77 -v hello.F -o hello -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c

 /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/collect2.exe -Bdynamic
g -o hello.exe
crt0.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4
../i686-pc-cygwin/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/../../..
~1/dk/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccOxEzrm.o -lg2c -lgcc -lcygwin -luser32 -lkernel32
32 -lshell32 -lgcc
cmain.o): In function `main':
/usr/build/src-winsup/winsup/cygwin/lib/libcmain.c:40: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

$ g77 -v hello.F -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c -o hello

 /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/collect2.exe -Bdynamic
g -o hello.exe
crt0.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4
../i686-pc-cygwin/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/../../..
~1/dk/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccwxRLEP.o -lg2c -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lgcc -lcygwin -luser32
kernel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lgcc

  When you snip out all the extraneous options and just look at the input
files and -L and -l options, here's what you get:

$ g77 -v hello.F -o hello -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c

-lg2c -lgcc -lcygwin -luser32 -lkernel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lgcc

$ g77 -v hello.F -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c -o hello

-lg2c -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lgcc -lcygwin -luser32 -lkernel32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32

  A single glance at the last line shows that the difference is -lfrtbegin.

  Further, because you specified -lg2c yourself, the g77 driver specs assume
you know what you're doing, and in particular that -lfrtbegin must be
specified *before* -lg2c.  The specs would have taken care of that, but you
overrode them; you can fix the buggy version of your command line by manually
adding -lfrtbegin:-

$ g77 hello.F -o hello -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lg2c
cmain.o): In function `main':
/usr/build/src-winsup/winsup/cygwin/lib/libcmain.c:40: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
$ g77 hello.F -o hello -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4 -lfrtbegin -lg2c

  For full information, read .../gcc-3.4.4/gcc/f/g77spec.c, look in particular
at the function lang_specific_driver and the variables and comments:

  /* This will be NULL if we encounter a situation where we should not
     link in libf2c.  */
  const char *library = FORTRAN_LIBRARY;

  /* 0 => -xnone in effect.
     1 => -xfoo in effect.  */
  int saw_speclang = 0;

  /* 0 => initial/reset state
     1 => last arg was -l<library>
     2 => last two args were -l<library> -lm.  */
  int saw_library = 0;

  /* 0 => initial/reset state
     1 => FORTRAN_INIT linked in */
  int use_init = 0;

 [ ... snip ... ]

  /* First pass through arglist.

     If -nostdlib or a "turn-off-linking" option is anywhere in the
     command line, don't do any library-option processing (except
     relating to -x).  Also, if -v is specified, but no other options
     that do anything special (allowing -V version, etc.), remember
     to add special stuff to make gcc command actually invoke all
     the different phases of the compilation process so all the version
     numbers can be seen.

  Ach, there's the bug!  If -lg2c is the very last option on the line, it has
saw_library=1, and then it exits and never does anything about it.  Adding any
option, even another -v, makes it go round the loop again and it all works.
Hmm...  it could try to prepend FORTRAN_INIT if it hadn't got use_init set by
the time it sets saw_librry to 1.  Dunno why it doesn't.  Probably a

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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