Williams, Gerald S (Jerry) wrote:
Fabrizio Salvatore wrote:
C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -fn 7x14 -g 120x24 -si -sk -sb -sl 1000 -fg black -bg white -T "cygwin terminal Window" -e /usr/bin/tcsh -l
In case you didn't know, if you some settings most of the time, you can specify them in ~/.Xdefaults (even if you're not running X). For example, "-sl 1000" becomes "Rxvt.saveLines: 1000".
Indeed! It never ceases to amaze me how people construct elaborate command lines with all of these settings when they can much more easily, and in a much more organized fashion, compose .Xdefaults utilizing "classes" and passing them in as -name parameters. For example, I have the following ~/.Xdefaults file:

   ! Rxvt defaults

   ! Global
   *font:                          "Lucida Console-*-16"
   *font1:                         "Lucida Console-*-18"
   *font2:                         "Lucida Console-*-20"
   *saveLines:                     500
   *termName:                      cygwin
   *scrollBar_right:               True
   *geometry:                      80x24
   *loginShell:                    True

   ! Default
   Rxvt.background:                SteelBlue
   Rxvt.foreground:                White
   Rxvt.colorBD:                   Blue
   Rxvt.colorUL:                   Red
   Rxvt.cursorColor:               Yellow

   ! New server
   Jupiter.background:             MidNightBlue
   Jupiter.foreground:             White
   Jupiter.colorBD:                Yellow
   Jupiter.colorUL:                Green
   Jupiter.cursorColor:            Yellow

   ! Danni's desktop
   Starbase.background:            MediumVioletRed
   Starbase.foreground:            White
   Starbase.colorBD:               Yellow
   Starbase.colorUL:               Red
   Starbase.cursorColor:           Yellow

   ! Hewlett Packard
   Tiburon.background:             Black
   Tiburon.foreground:             Magenta
   Tiburon.colorBD:                Yellow
   Tiburon.colorUL:                Red
   Tiburon.cursorColor:            Yellow

   Pacifica.background:            ForestGreen
   Pacifica.foreground:            White
   Pacifica.colorBD:               Yellow
   Pacifica.colorUL:               Red
   Pacifica.cursorColor:           Yellow

   plebld01.background:            Black
   plebld01.foreground:            Yellow
   plebld01.colorBD:               Yellow
   plebld01.colorUL:               Red
   plebld01.cursorColor:           Yellow

   ccase-sj1-4.background:         Black
   ccase-sj1-4.foreground:         Green
   ccase-sj1-4.colorBD:            Green
   ccase-sj1-4.colorUL:            Red
   ccase-sj1-4.cursorColor:        Yellow

   Homer.background:               Black
   Homer.foreground:               Green
   Homer.colorBD:                  Yellow
   Homer.colorUL:                  Red
   Homer.cursorColor:              Yellow

Then I can do rxvt -name Homer and get Homer's settings....


Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
BUFFERS=20 FILES=15 2nd down, 4th quarter, 5 yards to go!

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