Igor Peshansky wrote:
On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Eric Blake wrote:

According to Wilks, Dan on 9/28/2006 3:59 PM:
That was my guess.  But since this was the cygwin installer run off
of the cygwin site I thought I'd mention it, if for no other reason
than tracking purposes.  Maybe there's a problem with the installer /
postinstall script when downgrading? Or perhaps that's intended
behavior.  It was just surprising.
It's intended behavior; the postinstall script was not written with
downgrades in mind (I may rethink that for my next release; but, it won't
help you, because downgrading to 3.1-8 or earlier will not have this patch).

And... it didn't run again when re-upgrading just bash to the new
(broken) version so we had to manually copy bash.exe to sh.exe.
What makes you think the current version is broken?  In my opinion, it
works just fine.  However, your discovery that using Windows paths
instead of POSIX paths makes cygwin revert to binary file opens on text
mounts is rather interesting.  I don't know if cygwin1.dll is at fault
for that strange behavior.  It may be possible for me to patch bash to
always convert script names to POSIX before opening them, so that you
would get the right mount behavior, but I'm not looking forward to such
a hack.

IIRC, Cygwin explicitly treats out-of-mount (Win32) paths as binary.

Yes, that's fits my recollection as well.  Since both of us recall this,
there's no need for anyone to check the source.  Two IIRCs means we must
be right! ;-)

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
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