> From: Eric Blake
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 9:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Bash and CR/LF line-endings
> Perhaps so, but that was a risk I was willing to take, since 
> cygwin's stated goal is to provide a Linux emulation on 
> Windows, and Linux users don't go creeping in cr/lfs.

At the risk of being over-obvious, Linux users... use Linux.  In such an
insular environment, perhaps they have the luxury of only using the One True
Text File Format (whatever that is).  Actually, Windows users also have that
luxury, as long as they wish to remain in their own world as well.  Where
the twain meet of course is where we run into issues, and the twain meet at
Cygwin.  Used to, anyway.

> > 
> > So why was the solution of using the 1st line of the script 
> (which, it 
> > was claimed, is read anyway for other purposes) and base 
> the seeking 
> > behavior on the detection of cr/lf there, rejected?
> It is not rejected, merely unimplemented.  My patches have 
> focused on the minimal amount of code to get a decent 
> workaround, and hacking the initial 80-character read of a 
> file proved harder than hacking the input engine.
> If someone else (how about you?) were to submit a patch doing 
> just that, then I would certainly review it and likely apply 
> a derivative of it, in part because reviewing a patch is a 
> much smaller time commitment on my part than me writing yet 
> another workaround from scratch.
> Actually, if anyone is interested in pursuing this further, 
> it may be worth auto-setting the igncr shopt according to the 
> first line of the script, rather than the current behavior of 
> defaulting that option to unset for every new bash 
> invocation.  Also, you must consider how things should work 
> when stdin is a pipe containing \r\n data, since with pipes, 
> you can't prescan the first line of input to see what it 
> contains because you can't rewind afterwards.

What's going to break if igncr is simply always on?

Gary R. Van Sickle

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