On 26 October 2006 03:51, Eric Blake wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> According to Champ Mendis on 10/25/2006 6:59 PM:
>> I installed Cywin in my Desktop Windows XP SP2  last year. I used gcc
>>  to compile my code. It worked fine and I had more than
>> 20 of my systems running well. With XP Media Edition, I downloaded
>> Cygwin on 23rd October '06. It has gcc and compiles
> cygwin doesn't come with gcc (in fact, I don't know if such a
> version exists).  Are you sure you are typing this correctly?

  I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess it was a typo for
3.3.3-3, which is the prev: version.

>> without any problem. But when run no output given, just blank.
>> What I did,
>> 1) As Larry said, replaced all DLL with older version, NO SUCCESS
>> 2) Got Cygwin1.dll latest & tried to run in normal DOS mode, NO SUCCESS
>> 3) Moved compile EXE to older machine, SUCCESS
>> So, is the culprit Windows XP - Media Edition ?
> No.  I run cygwin with no problems on XP media edition.
> I recommend following the directions here:
>> Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
> by including 'cygcheck -svr' output from both the working and broken
> installation, as text attachments, we might be able to pinpoint something
> in your setup that is causing the problem.

  The real problem is almost certainly a bug in the program code.

  Champ, what happens when you try a simple "hello world" compile?  Does it
work OK and show printf output correctly on your media centre?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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