We are currently using Cygwin to test an iSCSI based storage subsystem.
Recently we are discussing about a test that will be connecting to 32
iSCSI volumes, effectively creating a total of 33 (32 + 1 direct
attached disk) harddisk references in Windows.  In reviewing the current
POSIX mapping, we realized from
http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-specialnames.html#id4676548 that
Cygwin only maps up to /dev/sd1 <=> \device\harddisk11.

Question 1: Is that the maximum number of \device\harddisk reference
that Cygwin supports?
Question 2: If not what is the the maximum?
Question 3: Is there anyway within Cygwin that I can "mount" the other
\device\harddisk references beyond the limitation?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Joe Loh

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