On 12 November 2006 02:15, v. wrote:

> After examing the output of "pkg-config --debug --cflags gtk+-2.0" I
> wondered that it searches for gtk+-2.0.pc on an alternative path starting
> with "c:\...", so I reviewed my definidion of PKG_CONFIG_PATH and defined
> everywhere fully-qualified paths, each one starting with drive letter
> "c:\mydirs\..\pkgconfig". For the first this also did not funtion, so I
> seperated the paths not with ':' but with semicolons ';' and enclosed the
> whole string for PKG_CONFIG_PATH in "..." !!! This functioned finally, and
> pkg-config works now! So to everyone trying to investigate into pkg-config
> and cygwin ... forget this shit and do your work seriously in a real
> unix/linux environment! cheers!

  No matter what environment you're using, it's the environemnt between your 
keyboard and your chair that's the problem here.

  You aren't using cygwin's pkg-config.  You're using a win32 native version.  
That's why it expects PKG_CONFIG_PATH to be a DOS path.  That's why it doesn't 
understand the posix style path you're passing to it.

  It's not cygwin's fault that a win32 program doesn't understand posix paths.

  It's not cygwin's fault that you used the wrong version of pkg-config.

  To solve your problem, either 1) use cygwin versions of programs if you want 
them to understand posix paths, or 2) pass DOS paths to win32 programs, because 
that's all they can understand.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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