Oh, and one other thing:
It's my understanding that this change (to std::string) would
constitute an ABI change of the underlying C++/STL runtime library on
cygwin. Thus, any C++ packages -- or at least, those that are NOT
compiled with -nostdlib -- would have to be recompiled (and version
bumped?) once a g++ with this change was promoted to curr: Right?
Fortunately, there aren't many of these:
(1) libncurses++ from ncurses
(2) libpcrecpp from pcre -- which would actually benefit from this
upgrade, as the current libpcrecpp is hit by the very bug
fixed in g++*3.4.4-2 and -3.
(3) xerces-c -- orphaned, I think, and it appears that no official
package on sourceware requires: it.
(4) groff -- but since it provides no libraries, and the C++/STL
runtime is statically linked into the executable, this is
no urgent matter
(5) various octave stuff -- but octave already requires binary
clients to use g++-3.4.4-2 IIRC, which means they are
already on "this side" of the ABI change.
(6) cygwin itself -- BUT cygwin1.dll is compiled IIRC with
-nostdlib, so no worries there.
So, from my short list, only ncurses and pcre are impacted -- but I'm
sure I've forgotten some.
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