I was just browsing the CVSweb repository looking at the sync()
implementation and noticed this small typo. It's not worth the trouble
for me to download the CVS repository just for this:

/* sync: SUSv3 */
extern "C" void
sync ()
 char vol[CYG_MAX_PATH];

 if (wincap.has_guid_volumes ()) /* Win2k and newer */
     char a_drive[CYG_MAX_PATH] = {0};
     char b_drive[CYG_MAX_PATH] = {0};

     if (is_floppy ("A:"))
       GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA ("A:\\", a_drive, CYG_MAX_PATH);
     if (is_floppy ("B:"))
       GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA ("B:\\", a_drive, CYG_MAX_PATH);

Notice the last line there - "a_drive" should be "b_drive".

 -- Howard Chu
 Chief Architect, Symas Corp.  http://www.symas.com
 Director, Highland Sun        http://highlandsun.com/hyc
 OpenLDAP Core Team            http://www.openldap.org/project/

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