Ritter, Nils wrote:

> we try to compile a cutting software named Salmon with Cygwin. All the source
> code files compile to .o object files. But when the linker try to build the
> binary, there're many openGL errors.
> This is the command:
> g++  -o out-glut/salmon out-glut/adjacency.o out-glut/assemble-matrix.o
> out-glut/big-vector.o out-glut/bounding.o ... lots of object files ...
> out-glut/wx-salmon.o -lXi -lXt -lICE -lXext -lXmu -lSM  -lX11
> -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/lib/w32api -lglut -lopengl32 -lm

I'm not sure if this is the problem, if it was then you should have seen a very
clear error message about not finding the library but, aren't you missing
"-L/usr/lib/w32api" ?

René Berber

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