David Bear wrote:
Brian Dessent wrote:

David Bear wrote:

Okay, the problem is in quoting in shell scripts, I think.

Here's an example:
echo $curdir
prodir=`cygpath $USERPROFILE`
Should be:

prodir=$(cygpath "$USERPROFILE")

echo $prodir
cd $prodir
Should be:

cd "$prodir"

cd /cygdrive/c/Documents\\\ and\\\ Settings/$USERNAME
Should be:

cd "/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/$USERNAME"

cd $curdir
Should be:

cd "$curdir"

See the pattern?  In general whenever you have a variable that might
contain spaces you just need to quote it.  Forget the triple-backslash
nonsense.  Double quotes are all you need.


thanks you very much. However, there is still something that doesn't work.
Here's a simple script that has problems.

# the user has write access to
src=`cygpath $USERPROFILE`
echo $src
opts=" -av --dry-run -e ssh"
rsync $opts "$src/" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/$HOSTNAME

Please, why don't you RTFABSG: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/


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