> * Andrew Schulman (Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:12:54 -0500)
> > > > lftp ftp.microsoft.com
> > > lftp: host name resolve timeout
> > 
> > I'm not able to reproduce this problem:
> I figured it out myself: it's the "dns:fatal-timeout 0" setting in my 
> .lftprc. The funny thing is that "0" is the default and actually means 
> "no timeout"
> man lftp
> "dns:fatal-timeout (seconds)
> limit the time for DNS queries. If DNS server is unavailable too long, 
> lftp will fail to resolve  a  given  host  name. 0  means               
> unlimited, the default."
> It's a classical bug, my Linux lftp 3.5.7 shows the same behaviour.

OK, I'm glad you found it.  A few comments:

(1) The man page for version 3.5.9 says something different from what you
show above:

dns:fatal-timeout (time interval)
       limit the time for DNS queries. If DNS server is unavailable too
       long,  lftp  will  fail  to  resolve  a  given host name. Set to
       `never' to disable.

So setting it to 0 should probably be expected to be fatal.  Maybe this is
what changed in version 3.4.4, that caused your setup to stop working with
Cygwin then.

On my host without setting dns:fatal-timeout, its value is 7d.

(2) lftp is fairly complex and I'm still learning it.  For future bug
reports I'll ask users to attach their .lftprc files and look first in the
settings, of which there are about 200.

Good luck,

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