> ok - here listed what I did (sorry for the long listing):
> ---cut---
> 01. $ cygrunsrv -R sshd
> 02. remove registry-keys: HK(CU|LM)->SOFTWARE->Cygnus Solutions
> 03. remove windows/user sshd
> 04. rename c:\cygwin to c:\cygwin_1
> 05. run http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe from user ladmin member of
> group local admins
> - install from internet
> - install for all users
> - added packages: openssh, tcp_wrappers
> 06. $ mkpasswd -cl > /etc/passwd
> 07. $ mkgroup -l > /etc/group
> 08. $ ssh-host-config
> - privilege separation -> yes
> - install sshd as service -> yes
> - CYGWIN=ntsec tty

Don't add tty, use only ntsec.

ok, I changed my Windows-env-variable CYGWIN to "ntsec" and
$ cygrunsrv  -R sshd
$ ssh-host-config
- always -> yes
- CYGWIN=ntsec

Everything else looks fine...

> 19. $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
> 20. $ ssh localhost date # (from 2nd cygwin-window)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> Sun Feb 18 21:52:18 WEST 2007
> ---cut---

What happened?  Did you login or not?  It looks like you did.

yes, I was able to login successfully and executed the "date"-command

so what is wrong with my installation (fyi - I did the same steps 2
days ago on a similar machine -> same error ...)


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