On Feb 19 01:50, Peter Torpey wrote:
> I have just installed Cygwin v1.5.24 under XP Pro SP1. When trying to use
> /usr/bin/ftp, I can connect to ftp servers and execute some commands.
> However, for commands that use a data channel such as ls, put, and get, the
> command fails with the "Operation not permitted" message as in this example:
> ftp> cd board
> 250 CWD command successful
> ftp> pwd
> 257 "/webdocs/board" is current directory.
> ftp> ls
> ftp: bind: Operation not permitted
> ftp> put file.txt
> ftp: bind: Operation not permitted
> ftp> get file.txt
> ftp: bind: Operation not permitted
> I have confirmed that programs such as ssh, sftp, and
> c:\windows\system32\ftp do not seem to have any related issues.
> Any assistance as to how I might be able enable the use of these commands
> would be greatly appreciated.


Did you consider using the `passive' option?  Looks like either the
server disallows active ftp, or your firewall settings.


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