On 2/27/07, Furash Gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
/cygdrive/c/System\ Volume\ Information

Quotes and backslashes aren't going to solve the problem, I think.  I
looked at updatedb (it's a shell script), and the --prunepaths
argument is passed through a sed script which replaces spaces in order
to turn it all into a regexp.  There's no way of telling sed to avoid
some spaces and translate others.

You used to be able to set the internal PRUNEREGEX variable directly,
in a .conf file, but apparently that file is only used under Linux
versions of updatedb, or something.

Most lists of dirs are passed around with colon (or some such)
separators to avoid just such problems with paths containing
whitespace.  updatedb is still living in the 80's.

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