Corinna Vinschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mar  5 08:43, David Abrahams wrote:
>> Corinna Vinschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > On Mar  2 18:58, David Abrahams wrote:
>> > Access denied is interesting.  In earlier versions of NT it was
>> > typically not possible to use any drive letter in calls to `net use'
>> > when running in an ssh session.  Now (XP) it's possible to use the drive
>> > letter in a SYSTEM session, but I still don't use it.  
>> How do I get a SYSTEM session?
> Starting a service under the SYSTEM account.  

On XP32, my CYGWIN sshd service properties page shows "Local System
account" in the "Log on" tab.  Is this no a SYSTEM session?

Again, I did answer "yes" to the "privilege separation" query.

> Like sshd sessions prior to 2K3.

Sorry, 2K3?

> Pubkey logins are running in the logon session of the
> user starting the service.
>> > I rather use the real path (//server/share/foo/bar/baz), or I use
>> > the Cygwin mount command to access it like a local path (mount -f
>> > //server/share/foo /foo) Maybe that's a working workaround for you,
>> > too.
>> No, unfortunately not.  I need to run native windows commands that
>> access the share.
> Most modern native Windows tools understand the \\server\share syntax.
> cmd.exe is not one of the modern tools, unfortunately.


>> > Anyway, I just tried using a drive letter from an ssh session on XP64.
>> > As usual, the service account is sshd_server.  
>> As usual?  After many reinstallations on XP32, I never see
>> sshd_server.
> "As usual starting with 2K3".  

I guess I really need to know what 2K3 is.  From googling I guess it
might be Win2000Sp3?  I am using XP pro with the latest service packs.

> XP64 is actually not an XP kernel, but
> a 2K3 kernel.

Ooooh, that may explain the difference.

>> > However, I don't get the above access denied message.  What I get is
>> > even more strange:
>> >
>> >   $ net use t: \\\\server\\share /user:domain\\user mypassword
>> According to "net help use," your password needs to come after the
>> share name.
> No.  It doesn't matter.  It's just the way the help text is written.


>> > Unfortunately that means I can't even reproduce your problem, so I'm
>> > stuck with a wild guess:  Did you try to add the sshd_server user to
>> > the users which are allowed to access the share?
>> I don't get an sshd_server user when I install on XP32.
> See above.  But I just realize that I mis-read your mail so that I
> thought it works on XP32 but doesn't work on XP64.  You wrote that
> it's the opposite.  Then my answer is, "I don't know".  It works for
> me on XP32, but I never really expected it, as it didn't work on older
> Windows versions anyway.


I don't know if it's relevant, but when I ssh into my XP64 machine and
do "GPResult", I get a normal-looking dump (enclosed).  When I try
that on the XP32 machine I get

  INFO: The user "WORKGROUP\HYDRA-XP$" does not have RSOP data.

HYDRA-XP is the name of the machine.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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