Larry Hall (Cygwin) ha scritto:
> Paolo Scaffardi wrote:
> First, there is no "cygwin 1.9.0".  The current version of the Cygwin

Sorry! I looked at the syscheck output!! :-(

> package in the distribution is cygwin 1.5.24, which you have.

You're right!

>> "Error: dll starting at 0x77d41000 not found."
> Perhaps.
> Others are using 64bit just fine.  I have an x64 machine at work.  I don't
> have AMD though.  

Me, too.

> While it's not obvious from your cygcheck output that you would be seeing the 
> other gdb (or any of it's parts) that you have
> installed when running from within the Cygwin environment, I'd recommend 
> making sure that this is indeed the case.  

I use the SAME gdb of cygwin distribution, not others.

I still cannot resolve this huge problem. :-(

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