On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 10:34:50PM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
> Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> > because qseek is a perl script. Is there any way that I can get output
> > of the running processes that will include the text, 'qseek'? Or can
> > anyone suggest a work around. I need a script to be able to find out
> > whether qseek is running, in order to start it if it is not, and leave
> > it running if it is. I am trying again to get this code working
> > correctly on cygwin as well as linux.
> Use procps.  It's much more capable, e.g. "procps -f".  I personally use
> something resembling "alias ps='procps aux --forest'".

Brilliant. That solves my problem and the package is now working fime on
cygwin and linux.
> By the way this very same question came up just the other week.

I have been off the list for a long while until recenty.

I guess procps is new compared with when I asked about this before years

Thanks, Brian.
> Brian
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       Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke)    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
       Post: 626 Melbourne Rd, Spotswood, VIC, 3015, Australia
 Phone 03-93992847. http://www.salter-duke.bigpondhosting.com/brian/index.htm
    Honorary Researcher Fellow, Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Monash Univ.

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