On Jun 18 14:57, Ronald Fischer wrote:
> Finally, I have installed the Ruby mysql module via 
>    gem install -r mysql
> assuming that "this would do the right thing" anyway.

Native Windows gem or Cygwin gem?  If you use the native Windows
gem you'll get native WIndows packages.  I don't even know if a
Cygwin gem exists.  It's not part of the base package and (as I
mentioned in my previous mail) ruby-gems doesn't exist as a Cygwin

> > Have you checked the library
> > dependencies of mysql.so?  
> I tried to do a 
>   ldd mysql.so
> but ldd was not found on my installation. In which Cygwin package is ldd
> supposed to be? 

There is none.  This is Cygwin, not Linux.  Try cygcheck instead.


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