On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 01:52:01PM -0400, Frederich, Eric P21322 wrote:
>> From: Igor Peshansky
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 1:31 PM
>> To: Frederich, Eric P21322
>> Subject: RE: undefined reference to `__imp___iob'
>> > Does everything you say hold true even if I compile with 
>> > the -mno-cygwin option?
>> Not everything, but how were we to know you were using -mno-cygwin?
>> > Apparently I'm confused.  I thought that when I compile 
>> > with -mno-cygwin it was the same as using msys/mingw.
>> It is, unless you explicitly inlcude a Cygwin header.  Please 
>> provide the exact compiler invocation and the exact errors you get.
>>      Igor
>I have been trying with and without -mno-cygwin just trying to get
>anything to work.
>If it (mixing msys/mingw and cygwin libraries) is "not encouraged" or
>"not supported", then I just won't do it and I'll either start using
>Msys for everything or start keeping two copies of the Windows libraries

You won't have any luck mixing msys libraries with mingw libraries
either, fwiw.

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