All of 2.575, 2.573.2.1 and two earlier test versions I tried, 2.562 and 2.558, fail in a way that the current version 2.510.2.2 does not.

If you have a perfectly coherent and up-to-date Cygwin system (not necessarily complete) but that happens to have become unmounted*, and point setup.exe to it, then 2.510.2.2 correctly identifies it, checks that nothing needs updating, and exits after remounting. The more modern exe's when pointed at it nevertheless require a complete download, as though building a fresh installation from scratch. Some part of the "what have we here?" checking procedures that setup pursues seems to have become de-railed with the modern versions.

* "Unmounted": not an untypical situation, by accident or by design. An accident could occasionally happen to anyone. For those of us with our Cygwin system on a portable device used with more than one host (eg work/ home/ other) un-mounting then re-mounting by design is the safest way (or not a wrong way) to maintain things in a good state. There are lots of ways to re-mount, and actually I don't usually use setup.exe to achieve re-mounting, but nevertheless it's quite a good way, and should still work?


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