Dave <kilroyd <at> googlemail.com> writes:

> In order to "Install from Local Directory" you need a copy of all of the
> packages you intend to install. This is typically obtained by the
> "Download from Internet" option, but the packages are also retained when
> you "Install from Internet".
> Solution: Choose Install from Internet instead.

This is on a non-networked system (don't ask).  I guess I'll have to just
download the packages I want and dump them in that directory, then install from
that local package directory.

> If setup.exe is crashing on an empty package directory, this is a bug
> that ought to be fixed. A version for setup.exe would be nice (it's on
> the first dialog), just to confirm that this is with the latest version
> - 1.5.24-2 is the current cygwin1.dll version.

Yes, it is Setup.exe version 1.5.24-2.  Just downloaded it today.  ;-)


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