On 7/28/07, Christopher Faylor
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2007 at 12:36:45PM +0200, Reini Urban wrote:
> > Claudio Scordino schrieb:
> >> More general question: did anybody build succesfully a Linux kernel under
> >> cygwin?
> >
> > Not a kernel but binutils, gcc-core, gcc-g++ and the stdlibc++, which is
> > about as complex as the kernel. Target was a fedora core.
> >
> > Managed mounts help a lot, but manual fixing case by case helps also.
> I've built linux kernels under Cygwin but, IIRC, there were some case
> sensitivity issues to deal with.  There should be someone out there
> in the wide world of google who has accomplished this feat.
> cgf
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What i would do Is take and build the basic nessesary binaries (ie
binutils, g++, bash, etc.) and send them to the target machine (an arm
box). then I would focus on building the kernel. I would go for
byte-compiling each one as a static object and then going about
linking. Have you built a kernel before?

Also, Debian has pre-made ARM kernels built -- check out
packages.us.debian.org -- there should be a fairly recent kernel
simply tar/gz'd (thats How Debs Work). I tired building an LFS (Linux
>From Scratch) for an ARM once and it wasnt the most efficient --
timing said that it took a good 6 hours (i left it over night). Hope
that helps.

(also, using a system like debian gives you a certain amount of flexibility)

Morgan gangwere

"Space does not reflect society, it expresses it." -- Castells, M.,
Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in
the Information Age, in The Cybercities Reader, S. Graham, Editor.
2004, Routledge: London. p. 82-93.
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