On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 07:53:49PM +0000, Eric Blake wrote:
>Eric Blake <ebb9 <at> byu.net> writes:
>> According to David Arnstein on 8/7/2007 12:39 PM:
>> > Since someone has already provided glib2-devel, is there an easy way to
>> > compile a valid gdate.exe for cygwin?
>> I have no reason to complicate my packaging of coreutils just to
>> add a 'g' prefix.
>Following up to myself, if you still want gdate, then you could simply:
>ln -s /bin/date /usr/local/bin/gdate
>The same goes for other GNU utilities that are often shipped with 'g'
>prefixes on systems with non-GNU counterparts, such as gmake, gtar, ...

I think it's actually a different program, at least that's the hint
google gave me.


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