Thorsten Kampe wrote on Friday, August 10, 2007 2:21 PM::

> * Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) (Fri, 10 Aug 2007 07:09:11 -0500)
>> Ronald Fischer wrote:
>>> From
>>>    info d
>>> we can see that /usr/bin/d is supposed to honour a configuration
>>> file ~/.d.conf and that in this file, the boolean variable
>>> hidden-files-shown corresponds to the --hidden-files flag in the d
>>> command line. 
>> Hmmm, that page of the info appears to be outdated.  See the Command
>> Line Options section as well as /usr/share/doc/d-1.2.0/d.conf.example
>> for current syntax.
> These resources don't contradict the info file but state the same.
> Fact is that d under Cygwin ignores ~/.d.conf while under Linux it
> works as expected.
> Thorsten

You're not reading carefully enough.

From the info page:

| `hidden-files-shown'
|      Boolean option, the same as the command line option
|      `--hidden-files-shown'.  *Note Command Line Options::.

From /usr/share/doc/d-1.2.0/d.conf.example:

| # 'hidden-files' - boolean option.  Controls whether files with a
| # period in their name are shown in the output.  This defaults to
'false' in 'd'.
| # Set to 'true' or 't' or '1' to turn on.
| #hidden-files = False

Spot the difference?

If you put "hidden-files = true" in ~/.d.conf it works as advertised.

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