I'm trying to get Cron running on our Windows 2003 environment....We
have installed the software and run cron_diagnose.sh with no issues.
The problem I'm having is the /var/log/cron.log isn't showing any
entries and the Windows event log has stated that "/usr/sbin/cron file
not found".  It seems like it's a path or permissions problem.  The
crontab file that I have created is running a super simple script every
5 minutes.  The event log is generating the error every 5 minutes, which
tells me that cron is reading the crontab file, so the error message is

I've read most of the postings that I've seen on this issue and added
permissions, created the dedicated cron_server account, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this has us stumped.....

Jay Barnhart 
OCP, Linux Certified SA, MPM
614-628-4854 Office
614-371-3891 Cell

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