On 20 August 2007 10:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> I have just reinstalled cygwin from scratch (deleted c:\cygwin directory)
> and noticed that the clear command was not in /usr/bin anymore.
> In Cygwin Package List, it says that clear was removed and that ncurses
> should be used instead (?). However, libncurses7 and libncurses8 ARE
> installed on my machine, according to setup.exe, which means, I guess,
> that ncurses is installed.
> How do you use ncurses "clear" command, if there is such a thing?

  I dunno, but here's a couple of alternatives:

alias clear='cmd /c cls'
alias clear='echo -e "\033c"'

  The cmd.exe-based one works best in a cygwin DOS-console shell, the echo
version works best in a proper console like rxvt/xterm.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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