Lapo Luchini wrote:
Just a quick comment of the new package...

a) I guess the font system has changed, as it now both looks nicer and
kindly ignore my previously working .Xsession line

Yeesh. you beat me to the announcement...

Short version: there is now an /etc/X11/app-defaults/Rxvt file. You can edit in-place for persistent global defaults, create a ~/.Xdefaults file for per-user overrides -- and command line options always take precedence. I'm not sure why .Xsession ever worked: rxvt, even in X11 mode, never asks the Xserver for resources; it parses the ~/.X* files itself.

b) alt-backspace deletes TWO words instead of one in both bash and zsh

Confirmed -- and windows-only (in X11 mode, I don't see this behavior). This is probably related to Corinna's patch that added some additional Alt- related keyevents to the main handling loop in the "W11" library:

  case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: /* some alt-keys go here */

maybe this causes the Alt-BS to get sent to the application twice? However, it doesn't happen on ALL alt-key combos. Adding the following


to my .inputrc, and I was able to get word skip behavior with alt-left/alt-right. So I'm reluctant to entirely remove Corinna's patch, because this wasn't possible before.

However, I think I found the problem. Most of the time, W11 passes virtualkey events to the w32api TranslateMessate() -- which in turn inserts the translated char BACK into the message queue.

However, certain key events need to bypass this:
  shift-KP-plus and shift-KP-minus: are supposed to be intercepted
    by rxvt and used to increase/decrease the font size.  This
    doesn't really work.
  backspace -- regardless of shift/alt/ctrl -- is handled by rxvt
    itself, and (possible) translated to ^? or ^H depending on
    rxvt's settings.

This bypassing is handled here:

static void
doTranslateMessage(MSG *m)
   if ((m->message == WM_KEYDOWN) &&
       ((m->wParam == VK_BACK) ||
        (((m->wParam == VK_ADD) || (m->wParam == VK_SUBTRACT)) &&
         (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000))))


With Corinna's patch, we now hit this function with WM_SYSKEYDOWN and not just WM_KEYDOWN. The following change seems to fix it:

static void
doTranslateMessage(MSG *m)
    if (((m->message == WM_KEYDOWN) || (m->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)) &&
        ((m->wParam == VK_BACK) ||
         (((m->wParam == VK_ADD) || (m->wParam == VK_SUBTRACT)) &&
          (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000))))


Look for rxvt-20050409-7 soon, and thanks for the report.


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