On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 11:10:57PM -0400, Igor Peshansky wrote:
>On Sat, 15 Sep 2007, Robert Kiesling wrote:
>> > [snip]
>> >
>> > Cygwin Content-O-Meter(tm), as of a few dozen posts in this thread ago:
>> >
>> > +-----------+
>> > | 0%   100% |
>> > | \         |
>> > |  \        |
>> > |   \       |
>> > |    O      |
>> > +-----------+
>> Neat.  Where can I download one of those?
>At <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2007-09/msg00358.html>.  Just copy and
>paste.  Of course, it'll always show 0%, but what do you expect from
>release 0.01?  I'm sure that the bug will be fixed in later versions.

This thread seems to have a life of its own but it seems like the life
would be more appropriate in more talkative environs.  I'd appreciate it
if it would be moved there.


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