Siegfried Heintze wrote on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 12:23 PM:
>> On 27 September 2007 14:15, Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> Is there a cygpath command that will show me all the files connected
> with grep? What is this command? Should not I have been able to
> manually find some notes on compiling this in /usr/share/doc
> someplace? I could not find any notes there.   

How about cygcheck, not cygpath?

bash-3.2$ cygcheck --help
Usage: cygcheck PROGRAM [ -v ] [ -h ]
       cygcheck -c [ PACKAGE ] [ -d ]
       cygcheck -s [ -r ] [ -v ] [ -h ]
       cygcheck -k
       cygcheck -f FILE [ FILE ... ]
       cygcheck -l [ PACKAGE ] [ PACKAGE ... ]
       cygcheck -p REGEXP
List system information, check installed packages, or query package database.

At least one command option or a PROGRAM is required, as shown above.

  PROGRAM              list library (DLL) dependencies of PROGRAM
  -c, --check-setup    show installed version of PACKAGE and verify integrity
                       (or for all installed packages if none specified)
  -d, --dump-only      just list packages, do not verify (with -c)
  -s, --sysinfo        produce diagnostic system information (implies -c -d)
  -r, --registry       also scan registry for Cygwin settings (with -s)
  -k, --keycheck       perform a keyboard check session (must be run from a
                       plain console only, not from a pty/rxvt/xterm)
  -f, --find-package   find the package that FILE belongs to
  -l, --list-package   list contents of PACKAGE (or all packages if none given)
  -p, --package-query  search for REGEXP in the entire package
                       repository (requies internet connectivity)
  -v, --verbose        produce more verbose output
  -h, --help           annotate output with explanatory comments when given
                       with another command, otherwise print this help
  -V, --version        print the version of cygcheck and exit

Note: -c, -f, and -l only report on packages that are currently installed. To
  search all official Cygwin packages use -p instead.  The -p REGEXP matches
  package names, descriptions, and names of files/paths within all packages.

bash-3.2$ cygcheck -l grep

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