On 04 October 2007 16:15, René Berber wrote:

Alberto Luaces wrote:

I am just starting to learn how to use the debugging tools available in
Cygwin. To do so, I have a test program deliberately designed to crash:
[snip] I have compiled it with debugging information:

g++ -g -O0 -o core core.cpp

Then I try to run it with gdb:

gdb core.exe

(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401175: file core.cpp, line 4.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/Demostración/testsC++/core.exe
Error: dll starting at 0x77d41000 not found.
Isn't this clear?

How can I finally debug my program?

You probably have a problem with your PATH, take a look at it with `echo

  Hey, I think you don't really mean to use backtick quotes there... :)

it should include /usr/bin and /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32 or
similar if you renamed the root, it should NOT have syntax errors... which
is probably the cause of your problem.

  Also, running "cygcheck core.exe" should show up any missing DLL straight

Dave, René,

thanks for the tips, I will check the PATH and look for missing DLLs then, although my program is nothing more than a main function dereferencing a null pointer, so it should not have any special dependencies.

The missing DLL message was a bit misleading because gdb crashes after printing it, so I thought it was an error message from gdb.exe and not from my program.

Maybe the non 7-bit ASCII character found on my user name (Demostración) is causing some issues with PATH, could I try to rename my home directory directly or would I need to change something more?

At least I have now several things to try...


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