
I just got the following in my /var/log/messages when rebooting my
system (WXP):

Oct 10 23:43:43 vzell-de syslog-ng[1064]: syslog-ng version 1.6.12 going down
Oct 11 08:59:46 vzell-de syslog-ng[1428]: syslog-ng version 1.6.12 starting
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen [line=15]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen-udp [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime [line=14]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime-udp [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo [line=14]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo-udp [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/ftpd [line=14]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/imapd [line=16]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/ntalk [line=16]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/pop3d [line=16]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/rexec [line=16]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/rlogin [line=14]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/rsh [line=14]
Oct 11 08:59:48 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/rsync [line=15]
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/servers [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/services [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/telnet [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/time [line=18]
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/time-udp [line=13]
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: removing shell
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: removing rsync
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: removing time
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: removing time
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: xinetd Version 2.3.9 started with 
no options compiled in.
Oct 11 08:59:49 localhost xinetd: PID 1132: Started working: 15 available 
Oct 11 08:59:53 localhost apache2: PID 1688: `apache2' service started
Oct 11 08:59:58 localhost sshd: PID 800: Server listening on port 22.
Oct 11 09:00:00 localhost /usr/sbin/cron: PID 436: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Oct 11 09:00:07 localhost apache2: PID 1688: `apache2' service stopped, exit 
status: 1
Oct 11 09:00:42 localhost slapd: PID 3304: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.36 (Jul 12 
2007 23:19:27) $        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/>
Oct 11 09:00:44 localhost init: no more processes left in this runlevel
Oct 11 09:00:45 localhost slapd: PID 3348: slapd starting
Oct 11 09:09:47 vzell-de syslog-ng[1428]: STATS: dropped 0
Oct 11 09:18:42 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1708) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:18:42 localhost cygserver: error duplicating from_master handle, 
error = 0
Oct 11 09:18:42 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1696) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:18:42 localhost cygserver: error duplicating to_master handle, error 
= 0
Oct 11 09:18:45 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1708) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:18:45 localhost cygserver: error duplicating from_master handle, 
error = 0
Oct 11 09:18:45 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1696) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:18:45 localhost cygserver: error duplicating to_master handle, error 
= 0
Oct 11 09:18:48 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1708) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:18:48 localhost cygserver: error duplicating from_master handle, 
error = 0
Oct 11 09:18:48 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1696) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:18:48 localhost cygserver: error duplicating to_master handle, error 
= 0
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1608) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error duplicating from_master handle, 
error = 0
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1596) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error duplicating to_master handle, error 
= 0
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1608) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error duplicating from_master handle, 
error = 0
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1596) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:19:28 localhost cygserver: error duplicating to_master handle, error 
= 0
Oct 11 09:19:30 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1608) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:19:30 localhost cygserver: error duplicating from_master handle, 
error = 0
Oct 11 09:19:30 localhost cygserver: error getting handle(1596) to server (5)
Oct 11 09:19:30 localhost cygserver: error duplicating to_master handle, error 
= 0

I'm starting the following services automatically during booting:

CYGWIN cygserver

init then starts up the other daemons.


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