On 29 November 2007 01:47, Etienne wrote:

> It looks like I misspoke slightly.  I reviewed the "Config.pm" again and it
> thinks it is installed in "/usr/lib". I don't even have a "lib" directory
> under "usr" on a clean install of cygwin.

/usr/lib and /usr/bin are aliases for /bin and /lib created using mountpoints.
If you look in a cmd.exe shell or explorer, there shouldn't be anything in the
bin or lib directory[*] in C:\cygwin\usr (or whereever you installed), in fact
they don't really even need to exist.

[*] - In fact it would be bad if anything was there because it would be hidden
by the mountpoint shadowing the real directory.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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