"Reini Urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Run cygcheck /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8/cygwin/auto/Tk/Tk.dll
There you will find the missing libraries.

Thank you! I get "Error: could not find cygX11-6.dll"

That's not entirely true. Tk works fine without X.
Just perl-Tk requires an installed X, a running X server and
a correct DISPLAY environment variable.

So I assume this is the problem.

Native perl Tk under cygwin used to had some build problems which
recently got fixed, if I remember correctly.
You can try to build it by your own, without the odd X dependency.

So next I will try installing and running Cygwin's X server (if I can even recall how to spell X :) and see if that makes things work better; however that "odd X dependency" would make me leery of adopting Cygwin Perl/Tk (as opposed to ActiveState, which I'm currently using) and I would certainly like to know how to follow up on that suggestion.

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