Re: Scroll...

Why don't you just do either of
 (a.)  pipe output to less and read it page by page

       e.g.   $  dissemble-cmd | less

 (b.) redirect output to a text file and them use some editor like emacs or
      nano to view it.  
      e.g.    $ dissemble-cmd >filename
                nano filename      or    less filename

good luck with your studies.


> Subject: prevent scroll (or something like that)
> hello everybody,
> i'm new to this forum and pretty much a noob when it comes to cygwin
> which
> may explain my question. 
> I'm doing an assignment for school and I'm supposes to disassemble a
> piece
> of code with a disasembler. This works just fine but the output asembly
> code
> is to large to fit on the screen. So when i scroll all the way up I
> can't
> read the complete output. Is there anything I can do, like an additional
> command, so I actually can read this output because it holds some
> information I need.
> Thanks in advance,
> electron

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