Ok, this gonna be an offtopic, but how to make numpad keys work in vim
when TERM set to xterm? It works perfect when TERM is cygwin.

On 2/16/08, Brian Dessent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> burning shadow wrote:
>  > Nope. Everything works fine only when TERM set to cygwin. For example,
>  > numpad keys in vim. This is default setting for TERM and works
>  > perfectly everywhere except that irssi build. And since my own compile
>  > works just fine, I guess something wrong with the release than with my
>  > terminal settings.
>  Václav is most certainly correct.  If you are not using a real Windows
>  Command Prompt then TERM=cygwin is just plain wrong.  If it works, it's
>  luck.  You should never have TERM=cygwin if you're using putty or any
>  other terminal but a Windows Command Prompt.
>  Brian
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