On 27 February 2008 16:16, Brian Dessent wrote:

> That would be fine if it were even possible to build a shared libgcc.
> FSF gcc won't even do this, nor will it build shared libstdc++, etc.
> MinGW's gcc 4.2 has a humongous local patch that backports a bunch of
> stuff from 4.3 as well as using an ugly kludge to build shared libgcc.
> I can't speak for Dave or whoever else will spend time maintaining the
> Cygwin gcc packages, but I can say that if the past is any indication,
> maintaining a huge local out-of-tree patch is a giant pain and causes a)
> releases/updates to be slow or nonexistant and b) maintainers to not
> want to continune doing their thing.  It's for these reasons that I
> think we really need to wait until these issues are fixed upstream 

  I'm working on it slowly in the background, owing to not lots of spare time,
but my basic plan is to submit patches to get all the support needed into
upstream gcc and then release a more-or-less OOTB build for cygwin.

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