Reini Urban schrieb:
2008/3/6, Dr. Volker Zell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 setup.ini claims the following:
 @ libecpg-compat1
 sdesc: "Older version of run-time library for ECPG programs"
 ldesc: "The ecpg_compat.dll shared library is used by programs built with ecpg.
 (Embedded PostgreSQL for C).
 PostgreSQL is an object-relational SQL database management system."
 category: Libs
 version: 7.4.5-1

 @ libecpg4
 sdesc: "Run-time library for ECPG programs"
 ldesc: "The ecpg.dll shared library is used by programs built with ECPG
 (Embedded PostgreSQL for C).
 PostgreSQL is an object-relational SQL database management system."
 category: Libs
 requires: libecpg-compat1
 version: 7.4.5-1

 @ libpgtypes1
 sdesc: "Shared library pgtypes.dll for PostgreSQL 7.4.x"
 ldesc: "The pgtypes shared library is used by programs built with ecpg.
 (Embedded PostgreSQL for C).
 PostgreSQL is an object-relational SQL database management system."
 category: Libs
 version: 7.4.5-1

 Are these really test versions or actually old dll versions from the
 post 8.0.7 area ?

Right, the [test] looks wrong. I'll check it where this comes from.

I have no idea where this was coming from. Should be [prev]

8.1.4-2 was a memory hog, 8.2.5-1 was better and very well tested,
8.2.6-1 is the currently best version, but I'm not confident enough to
upload it.
8.3.0 should be really good, but I haven't enough time to test it yet.

I've found time for 8.3.0, and it doesn't look good at all.
So I will fall back to 8.2.6, until I get the necessary fixes upstream included.
Reini Urban

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