d.henman wrote:

> I am using 23.0.50, which I had no problems building.  Is this the
> version where you increased required memory for something or other
> several tens of megabytes?

NO! The problems come out after unicode branch was merged to trunk,
i.e. for 23.0.60 version of Emacs.

If you bootstrap, in the log, you will find:

Static heap usage: X of Y bytes

in which X=27494544 and Y=12MB. So being X > Y the bootstrap fails.

Then the workaround was to use STATIC_HEAP_SIZE = 32MB instead of 12MB
(see [1]). With 27MB, 28MB... still fails!

With 23.0.50, X is about 4MB < Y.

With current CVS-23.0.60, now X=24832240.

> I am not familiar with the original problem you had, being out of the
> loop, but I didn't think as the time that throwing memory at it, was
> a proper way to solve the problem, though sometimes that's what we
> have to do.  What do you think?

I agree that the 'brutal force' should not be used, so another good
solution is well appreciated. Waiting for that, the above workaround
seems to produce a good, stable result of Emacs with XFT support.


(Regarding [2], I received private mails inviting for emacs32
binaries, so I decided to share them with the 'community', hoping
this can be useful.)

[1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2008-02/msg00232.html
[2] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2008-03/msg00381.html

Tu proverai si' come sa di sale
lo pane altrui, e come e' duro calle
lo scendere e 'l salir per l'altrui scale.
                  DANTE, Paradiso, xvii 58-60

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